

“All hair types, All ages, YOUR experience.”

HAIRLINES by Leanne is a combination of salon and barbershop concepts and techniques resulting in an unbiased setting where self-compassion is regularly encouraged. During my career in State College I’ve been very fortunate to be a part of a unified region of diverse individuals. As a Central PA native, collections of ideas, suggestions and inspiration have been accumulating for many years. Offering salon consultations and services to folks of all identities, ancestry, and walks of life is a core standard of which I hope will welcome a vibrant array of clientele. If people are looking for a detailed fade, long-hair nurturing, or decide to relieve tension with a relaxing spa treatment they will leave feeling revived, refreshed, and respected. Conversations and connections with clients have ultimately led to life-long friendships, guidance, and this amazing new career opportunity. Collaborating with local entrepreneurs to help bring this all to fruition has been a privilege. This town has a wide range of available resources and it is fulfilling to be able to build my business by choosing our very own skilled and knowledgeable professionals to help make it all transpire. When this happens it helps to shape lasting partnerships and fuels community growth and involvement.